Connect2Communicate (C2C) provides evidence-based Private Speech-Language assessments and therapy/intervention to both pre-school and school-aged children. C2C works collaboratively with families, school teams and other professionals to best support the child’s development. Services are available in the following areas:

Speech Sound Production
Speech production refers to the physical act of making speech sounds in order to produce words and then phrases and sentences. Individuals with challenges in this area may be experiencing challenges with Articulation, Motor Speech Production and/or Phonology.
C2C has additional training and experience to support individuals in this area including being PROMPT+ trained. Assessment and therapy to support individuals in this area is available.
It is important to remember that early intervention in this area (among others areas listed below) can prevent further challenges in later language and literacy skills.

According to the Canadian Stuttering Association, stuttering is “…unexpected interruptions to the forward movement of speech”. Individuals who are stuttering can have challenges in the “flow” or “fluency” of their speech production. This can be seen in the repetition of words, syllables and sounds; prolonging sounds in words; and sometimes the absence of sound/phonation or “blocking”.
C2C can provide both assessment and therapy for a child’s fluency skills in order to both prevent long-lasting stuttering as well as provide strategies to manage and improve someone’s fluency.

Oral Language Skills
Oral language skills allow an individual to both understand and use spoken language to communicate to others. Essential skills in this area include:
Vocabulary: the bank of single words that an individual can understand and use in different contexts.
Receptive Language: ability to listen to and understand/comprehend both spoken and gestural language at various levels. Examples of receptive language would be the ability to understand spoken directions or comprehend stories being read aloud by another.
Expressive Language: ability to speak and express using both gestures and spoken language at various levels. Examples of expressive language would be the ability to form your thoughts into phrases/sentences or pointing to something you want.
At C2C, we can provide both assessment and therapy for a child’s oral language skills. The development of oral language skills is fundamental for further language skills, especially literacy development.

Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.
- Anonymous

Literacy Skills
Literacy skills, or reading and writing skills, are essential life skills. At C2C, it is felt that all individuals should have the opportunity to develop at least a functional level of literacy in their lifetime. Some essential skills that are required for successful literacy development are listed below:
Oral Language skills (described above)
Phonological and/or Phonemic Awareness: understanding that words are made of smaller units/pieces such as syllables or sounds and the ability to manipulate these units to make words and/or break words up.
Phonics skills: understanding of the relationship between the spoken speech sounds and letters or letter combinations.
Decoding: ability to identify words by blending individual letter sounds together (i.e., “sounding out” words).
Encoding: ability to break words into their individual sounds and use the corresponding letters or letter combinations to form that word in print (i.e., spelling words).
Reading Comprehension: the ability to take meaning from print and understand what you are reading.
Written Expression: the ability to express yourself through print both in words, then phrases and sentences.
C2C can provide both assessment and intervention to support the development of the above skills. This will be done with the use of evidence-based programs and strategies that recognize the importance of creating the correct pathways in the developing brain.

Social Communication Skills
Social communication or pragmatic language skills are the ability to communicate appropriately during various social contexts, in various environments and with various communication partners. Challenges in this area can affect a person’s use/understanding of both non-verbal and verbal language skills.
Individuals with various diagnoses, including neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), tend to be more likely to have challenges in this area overall.
C2C is happy to provide both assessment and intervention in the area of social communication or pragmatics, with the long-term goal being further development of their deeper relationships and friendships.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Services
Communication challenges are one of the defining characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autistic individuals can range greatly in their level of communication skills and challenges.
At C2C, we have extensive training and experience supporting children at various points on the spectrum and their families. As a registered S-LP in Ontario, S-LPs are deemed qualified service providers through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
Certification in the More Than Words (Hanen Centre) Parent training program provides C2C's SLP additional training in ways to directly support parents in engaging with their child and furthering social and communication skills at home.
Consultation and collaboration with school teams and additional service providers is available and recommended. It would be an honour to get to work as a part of your child’s multidisciplinary team, to see not only communication improvements, but overall developmental growth.

Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) methods are the use of additional forms or means to assist an individual in improving their communication effectiveness and/or efficiency.
Here at C2C, the S-LP is very comfortable supporting the implementation of a variety of AAC methods and/or tools such as:
“Core language” Communication boards
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Single switch voice output devices (e.g., BigMack)
Communication-based iPad apps such as:
LAMP: Words for Life
High-tech communication devices and software
EX: Accent + Unity Software
Fees for Service
45-minute SLP
45-minute CDA
Travel fees may apply (to be discussed with client at time of referral).
C2C’s Speech-Language Pathologists are fully licensed and registered with the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO). Therefore, most individual or employee benefits plans contain some coverage for SLP services. Every plan is different – contact your benefits provider to determine the coverage available to you and your family.
Additionally, as registered Speech-Language Pathologists in Ontario, we are deemed qualified service providers through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
For further questions or inquiries around services and fees, please contact C2C directly.