Connect2Communicate - Speech & Language Services is a private speech therapy clinic that serves pre-school and school-aged children in the Durham Region.

C2C’s aim is to support children and their families in reaching the child’s speech, language and communication goals using a family-centred approach. Respecting and including families’ thoughts, opinions and values is an important part of the assessment and intervention process. Therapy sessions are always fun and engaging, and the children may even forget that they are “working” during the sessions. Additionally, C2C ensures they use evidence-based interventions and strategies in order to have the most effective therapy sessions possible.
C2C can offer speech and language services both in the home and in the community. Both assessment and therapy can be offered in the following areas:
Speech Sound Production
(Motor Speech/ Articulation/ Phonology) -
Oral Language (Vocabulary, Receptive and Expressive language)
Literacy (Phonological/Phonemic Awareness, Reading & Writing)
Social Communication
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) services
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

Every child is a different kind of flower, and together make this world a beautiful garden.